Download the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (USA 930201) ROM now and enjoy playing this game on your computer or phone. This is the USA version of the game and can be played using any of the Mame emulators available on our website. Planning: Da., Hattari, Jra Object: Kurisan, Jun, Matano, SS, Shisui, Kinmon, The Who Scroll: Nissui, Konomi, Ohnicchan, Bentobucho Program: Yuki Sɐiko, Cky Gi-U, T Uragoro, Some-P Compose: Piro2 Oyaji, Syun, Kiyo Sound Des. Have fun playing the amazing Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (USA 930201) game for M.A.M.E.
Vice then tries to skin a Rock Hopper before being subdued. He attempts to ambush the heroes at a building but fails.

There are many weapons and characters you can play from.

Help save many dinosaurs that are being captured, mangled, and used in strange genetic engineering projects. The story and characters are extremely hilarious. It is based on the animated serie of the same name back in the 1990s. You might have to beat up some dinosaurs on the way too as collation damage. In a world where Dinosaurs and Men live together, poachers are hunting the slaughtering innocent dinosaurs, stop this madness in Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.